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Our Learning Environments

Different Classes for Different Ages

Infants (0-12 Months)

At A.L.E.C. Academy of Learning & Early Care, we offer a safe and nurturing environment for infants to grow and develop. Our caring and experienced staff provide age-appropriate activities and interaction to encourage physical, emotional, and cognitive development.


Toddlers (12-24 Months)

As toddlers explore and learn about their world, we provide them with a supportive and stimulating environment. Our curriculum focuses on developing social skills, language, and fine motor skills through play-based activities and age-appropriate toys.

Preschool (2-4 Years)

Our preschool program prepares children for kindergarten by fostering social, emotional, and cognitive development. Through hands-on activities, music, and art, children learn to express themselves and develop a love for learning.

Pre-K (4-5 Years)

Our pre-K program focuses on preparing children for a successful transition to kindergarten. Our curriculum includes language and literacy development, math and science exploration, and social studies. We provide a structured yet fun environment to prepare children for the next phase of their education.

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